End-of-studies short film from the RUBIKA Animation School's class of 2021. An enigmatic creature born in the sky falls until it crashes violently in the desert. It searches for the highest point to rise again, but something happens underground... End-of-studies short film from the RUBIKA Animation School's class of 2021. An enigmatic creature born in the sky falls until it crashes violently in the desert. It searches for the highest point to rise again, but something happens underground... End-of-studies short film from the RUBIKA Animation School's class of 2021. An enigmatic creature born in the sky falls until it crashes violently in the desert. It searches for the highest point to rise again, but something happens underground... End-of-studies short film from the RUBIKA Animation School's class of 2021. An enigmatic creature born in the sky falls until it crashes violently in the desert. It searches for the highest point to rise again, but something happens underground...