Following the events of 'Exposure', Mike and his cameraman Cluff begin to shoot a documentary surrounding the disappearance of their old acquaintance Dev following the strange circumstances of his last days. Things soon go off track for Mike and Cluff when night falls, and their night takes a disastrous turn... Following the events of 'Exposure', Mike and his cameraman Cluff begin to shoot a documentary surrounding the disappearance of their old acquaintance Dev following the strange circumstances of his last days. Things soon go off track for Mike and Cluff when night falls, and their night takes a disastrous turn... Following the events of 'Exposure', Mike and his cameraman Cluff begin to shoot a documentary surrounding the disappearance of their old acquaintance Dev following the strange circumstances of his last days. Things soon go off track for Mike and Cluff when night falls, and their night takes a disastrous turn... Following the events of 'Exposure', Mike and his cameraman Cluff begin to shoot a documentary surrounding the disappearance of their old acquaintance Dev following the strange circumstances of his last days. Things soon go off track for Mike and Cluff when night falls, and their night takes a disastrous turn...