Overwatch: Hero
Animation, Action
Country: United States of America
"Hero" follows the masked vigilante Soldier: 76 on a personal mission to Dorado where he's set to investigate the illegal activities of the Los Muertos gang, but an unexpected complication threatens to compromise his objective. "Hero" follows the masked vigilante Soldier: 76 on a personal mission to Dorado where he's set to investigate the illegal activities of the Los Muertos gang, but an unexpected complication threatens to compromise his objective. "Hero" follows the masked vigilante Soldier: 76 on a personal mission to Dorado where he's set to investigate the illegal activities of the Los Muertos gang, but an unexpected complication threatens to compromise his objective. "Hero" follows the masked vigilante Soldier: 76 on a personal mission to Dorado where he's set to investigate the illegal activities of the Los Muertos gang, but an unexpected complication threatens to compromise his objective.