A Short Film about a teenage boy who wakes up in the middle of the night, only to find himself stuck in his bed, unable to move or speak. Things quickly go from bad to worse however, when a shadow figure appears in the corner of his room, and starts to move closer towards him, as he can do nothing but watch. A Short Film about a teenage boy who wakes up in the middle of the night, only to find himself stuck in his bed, unable to move or speak. Things quickly go from bad to worse however, when a shadow figure appears in the corner of his room, and starts to move closer towards him, as he can do nothing but watch. A Short Film about a teenage boy who wakes up in the middle of the night, only to find himself stuck in his bed, unable to move or speak. Things quickly go from bad to worse however, when a shadow figure appears in the corner of his room, and starts to move closer towards him, as he can do nothing but watch. A Short Film about a teenage boy who wakes up in the middle of the night, only to find himself stuck in his bed, unable to move or speak. Things quickly go from bad to worse however, when a shadow figure appears in the corner of his room, and starts to move closer towards him, as he can do nothing but watch.