A heartfelt documentary that delves into the life of a resilient trisikad driver, navigating the harsh realities of poverty, family struggles, and diminishing opportunities as modern transportation rapidly transforms his once-thriving livelihood. A heartfelt documentary that delves into the life of a resilient trisikad driver, navigating the harsh realities of poverty, family struggles, and diminishing opportunities as modern transportation rapidly transforms his once-thriving livelihood. A heartfelt documentary that delves into the life of a resilient trisikad driver, navigating the harsh realities of poverty, family struggles, and diminishing opportunities as modern transportation rapidly transforms his once-thriving livelihood. A heartfelt documentary that delves into the life of a resilient trisikad driver, navigating the harsh realities of poverty, family struggles, and diminishing opportunities as modern transportation rapidly transforms his once-thriving livelihood.