Penny Slinger: Out of the Shadows
"Penny Slinger - Out Of The Shadows" is the incredible, untold story of the British artist Penny Slinger and the traumatic events that led to the creation of her masterpiece, the 1977 photo-romance, 'An Exorcism'. "Penny Slinger - Out Of The Shadows" is the incredible, untold story of the British artist Penny Slinger and the traumatic events that led to the creation of her masterpiece, the 1977 photo-romance, 'An Exorcism'. "Penny Slinger - Out Of The Shadows" is the incredible, untold story of the British artist Penny Slinger and the traumatic events that led to the creation of her masterpiece, the 1977 photo-romance, 'An Exorcism'. "Penny Slinger - Out Of The Shadows" is the incredible, untold story of the British artist Penny Slinger and the traumatic events that led to the creation of her masterpiece, the 1977 photo-romance, 'An Exorcism'.