Pesadilla delves into themes of greed, loss, destruction, and the raw vulnerability embedded in family dynamics. While some may interpret it as a horror film, others might view it as an unflinching exploration of brute, unfiltered human nature. Pesadilla delves into themes of greed, loss, destruction, and the raw vulnerability embedded in family dynamics. While some may interpret it as a horror film, others might view it as an unflinching exploration of brute, unfiltered human nature. Pesadilla delves into themes of greed, loss, destruction, and the raw vulnerability embedded in family dynamics. While some may interpret it as a horror film, others might view it as an unflinching exploration of brute, unfiltered human nature. Pesadilla delves into themes of greed, loss, destruction, and the raw vulnerability embedded in family dynamics. While some may interpret it as a horror film, others might view it as an unflinching exploration of brute, unfiltered human nature.