Robbie, a college-aged boy, is rekindling an old friendship with Greyson. He needs a model for his portfolio and Greyson needs new photos for his dating apps to get over his ex-girlfriend. Together they explore each other's perceptions of love, friendship, and personal growth. Robbie, a college-aged boy, is rekindling an old friendship with Greyson. He needs a model for his portfolio and Greyson needs new photos for his dating apps to get over his ex-girlfriend. Together they explore each other's perceptions of love, friendship, and personal growth. Robbie, a college-aged boy, is rekindling an old friendship with Greyson. He needs a model for his portfolio and Greyson needs new photos for his dating apps to get over his ex-girlfriend. Together they explore each other's perceptions of love, friendship, and personal growth. Robbie, a college-aged boy, is rekindling an old friendship with Greyson. He needs a model for his portfolio and Greyson needs new photos for his dating apps to get over his ex-girlfriend. Together they explore each other's perceptions of love, friendship, and personal growth.