"Put the Guns Down: A World Epidemic," produced by Ice-T, delves into the relationship between mental health and gun violence, bringing together insights from a broad spectrum of individuals, including celebrities, city officials, and victims of violent crimes, to spark discussions on mental health services and gun control legislation. "Put the Guns Down: A World Epidemic," produced by Ice-T, delves into the relationship between mental health and gun violence, bringing together insights from a broad spectrum of individuals, including celebrities, city officials, and victims of violent crimes, to spark discussions on mental health services and gun control legislation. "Put the Guns Down: A World Epidemic," produced by Ice-T, delves into the relationship between mental health and gun violence, bringing together insights from a broad spectrum of individuals, including celebrities, city officials, and victims of violent crimes, to spark discussions on mental health services and gun control legislation. "Put the Guns Down: A World Epidemic," produced by Ice-T, delves into the relationship between mental health and gun violence, bringing together insights from a broad spectrum of individuals, including celebrities, city officials, and victims of violent crimes, to spark discussions on mental health services and gun control legislation.