Country: Argentina
The story revolves around Joao, a boy from a jungle village, who must brutally become a soldier when Estanislao, a psychically altered commander, takes away his childhood and shows him just how far human cruelty can go. The story revolves around Joao, a boy from a jungle village, who must brutally become a soldier when Estanislao, a psychically altered commander, takes away his childhood and shows him just how far human cruelty can go. The story revolves around Joao, a boy from a jungle village, who must brutally become a soldier when Estanislao, a psychically altered commander, takes away his childhood and shows him just how far human cruelty can go. The story revolves around Joao, a boy from a jungle village, who must brutally become a soldier when Estanislao, a psychically altered commander, takes away his childhood and shows him just how far human cruelty can go.