SHIFT tells the story of the volatile relationship between Melanie, a waitress in an airport coffee shop, and Louis, a telemarketing prison inmate in a new prison labor program. Stars Chris Meloni (Oz, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit), Alethea Allen and Eric Thal (A Stranger Among Us, The Wedding). Funded by the Independent Television Service for public television. SHIFT tells the story of the volatile relationship between Melanie, a waitress in an airport coffee shop, and Louis, a telemarketing prison inmate in a new prison labor program. Stars Chris Meloni (Oz, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit), Alethea Allen and Eric Thal (A Stranger Among Us, The Wedding). Funded by the Independent Television Service for public television. SHIFT tells the story of the volatile relationship between Melanie, a waitress in an airport coffee shop, and Louis, a telemarketing prison inmate in a new prison labor program. Stars Chris Meloni (Oz, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit), Alethea Allen and Eric Thal (A Stranger Among Us, The Wedding). Funded by the Independent Television Service for public television. SHIFT tells the story of the volatile relationship between Melanie, a waitress in an airport coffee shop, and Louis, a telemarketing prison inmate in a new prison labor program. Stars Chris Meloni (Oz, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit), Alethea Allen and Eric Thal (A Stranger Among Us, The Wedding). Funded by the Independent Television Service for public television.