Sink or Swim
‘Sink or Swim’ is a heartfelt short documentary following the remarkable story of multiple sclerosis fighter Bree-arne Manley. Despite losing the ability to walk, she defies social stigmas and pushes the boundaries of possibility. ‘Sink or Swim’ is a heartfelt short documentary following the remarkable story of multiple sclerosis fighter Bree-arne Manley. Despite losing the ability to walk, she defies social stigmas and pushes the boundaries of possibility. ‘Sink or Swim’ is a heartfelt short documentary following the remarkable story of multiple sclerosis fighter Bree-arne Manley. Despite losing the ability to walk, she defies social stigmas and pushes the boundaries of possibility. ‘Sink or Swim’ is a heartfelt short documentary following the remarkable story of multiple sclerosis fighter Bree-arne Manley. Despite losing the ability to walk, she defies social stigmas and pushes the boundaries of possibility.