Snow White and the Seven Perverts
Animation, Short, Comedy Granted an "X" Certificate (adults only) by the British Board of Film Censors. The animators and writers initially chose to remain anonymous. However, veteran British cell animator and rostrum cameraman Marcus Parker-Rhodes has come forward to claim that this cartoon is "mostly my work." He also credits Stan Hayward as the writer. Animation, Short, Comedy Granted an "X" Certificate (adults only) by the British Board of Film Censors. The animators and writers initially chose to remain anonymous. However, veteran British cell animator and rostrum cameraman Marcus Parker-Rhodes has come forward to claim that this cartoon is "mostly my work." He also credits Stan Hayward as the writer. Animation, Short, Comedy Granted an "X" Certificate (adults only) by the British Board of Film Censors. The animators and writers initially chose to remain anonymous. However, veteran British cell animator and rostrum cameraman Marcus Parker-Rhodes has come forward to claim that this cartoon is "mostly my work." He also credits Stan Hayward as the writer. Animation, Short, Comedy Granted an "X" Certificate (adults only) by the British Board of Film Censors. The animators and writers initially chose to remain anonymous. However, veteran British cell animator and rostrum cameraman Marcus Parker-Rhodes has come forward to claim that this cartoon is "mostly my work." He also credits Stan Hayward as the writer.