Sons of Abraham:Secret Order, A: The Druzes
A strict prohibition on divulging the doctrine, and the practice of dissimulation have always contributed to the constant misunderstanding of this mysterious sect which stems from Islam . For the first time, a film reveals this unknown sect, the most secret in the Near East. A strict prohibition on divulging the doctrine, and the practice of dissimulation have always contributed to the constant misunderstanding of this mysterious sect which stems from Islam . For the first time, a film reveals this unknown sect, the most secret in the Near East. A strict prohibition on divulging the doctrine, and the practice of dissimulation have always contributed to the constant misunderstanding of this mysterious sect which stems from Islam . For the first time, a film reveals this unknown sect, the most secret in the Near East. A strict prohibition on divulging the doctrine, and the practice of dissimulation have always contributed to the constant misunderstanding of this mysterious sect which stems from Islam . For the first time, a film reveals this unknown sect, the most secret in the Near East.