Take one reclusive woman and her dead husband; then add two incompetent detectives and a halfwit bloke who can't paint a straight line. Add water and you have Soop, a surreal black comedy that'll eat you up. Take one reclusive woman and her dead husband; then add two incompetent detectives and a halfwit bloke who can't paint a straight line. Add water and you have Soop, a surreal black comedy that'll eat you up. Take one reclusive woman and her dead husband; then add two incompetent detectives and a halfwit bloke who can't paint a straight line. Add water and you have Soop, a surreal black comedy that'll eat you up. Take one reclusive woman and her dead husband; then add two incompetent detectives and a halfwit bloke who can't paint a straight line. Add water and you have Soop, a surreal black comedy that'll eat you up.