Seven neuroscience engineers are brought onboard the largest man-made spacecraft as part of a newly opened research division. When an unexplainable life-form is uncovered, the walls of reality and the future of humanity are in jeopardy. Seven neuroscience engineers are brought onboard the largest man-made spacecraft as part of a newly opened research division. When an unexplainable life-form is uncovered, the walls of reality and the future of humanity are in jeopardy. Seven neuroscience engineers are brought onboard the largest man-made spacecraft as part of a newly opened research division. When an unexplainable life-form is uncovered, the walls of reality and the future of humanity are in jeopardy. Seven neuroscience engineers are brought onboard the largest man-made spacecraft as part of a newly opened research division. When an unexplainable life-form is uncovered, the walls of reality and the future of humanity are in jeopardy.