Still Waters
Rated: R
An introspective drama that follows the story of Sebastian, a young man who has recently emerged from a deep and prolonged depression. Struggling to find his bearings in a world that suddenly seems unfamiliar and daunting, Sebastian must navigate the uncertain waters of post-depression life, haunted by the fear that his illness could return at any moment. An introspective drama that follows the story of Sebastian, a young man who has recently emerged from a deep and prolonged depression. Struggling to find his bearings in a world that suddenly seems unfamiliar and daunting, Sebastian must navigate the uncertain waters of post-depression life, haunted by the fear that his illness could return at any moment. An introspective drama that follows the story of Sebastian, a young man who has recently emerged from a deep and prolonged depression. Struggling to find his bearings in a world that suddenly seems unfamiliar and daunting, Sebastian must navigate the uncertain waters of post-depression life, haunted by the fear that his illness could return at any moment. An introspective drama that follows the story of Sebastian, a young man who has recently emerged from a deep and prolonged depression. Struggling to find his bearings in a world that suddenly seems unfamiliar and daunting, Sebastian must navigate the uncertain waters of post-depression life, haunted by the fear that his illness could return at any moment.