"TEMPORAL" is a sci-fi short film that follows a spaceman struggling to survive on a distant alien world after an ion storm brings down his survey ship. Determined to find his missing co-pilot, he pushes forward—but soon discovers that there’s something deeply unsettling about this planet. "TEMPORAL" is a sci-fi short film that follows a spaceman struggling to survive on a distant alien world after an ion storm brings down his survey ship. Determined to find his missing co-pilot, he pushes forward—but soon discovers that there’s something deeply unsettling about this planet. "TEMPORAL" is a sci-fi short film that follows a spaceman struggling to survive on a distant alien world after an ion storm brings down his survey ship. Determined to find his missing co-pilot, he pushes forward—but soon discovers that there’s something deeply unsettling about this planet. "TEMPORAL" is a sci-fi short film that follows a spaceman struggling to survive on a distant alien world after an ion storm brings down his survey ship. Determined to find his missing co-pilot, he pushes forward—but soon discovers that there’s something deeply unsettling about this planet.