The Bridge of Bosnian Blues
Chronicling the formation of a multi-ethnic band, Mostar Sevdah, after a Bosnian city was devastated by war in the 1990s. Included: footage of the conflict; stories of the musicians. Chronicling the formation of a multi-ethnic band, Mostar Sevdah, after a Bosnian city was devastated by war in the 1990s. Included: footage of the conflict; stories of the musicians. Chronicling the formation of a multi-ethnic band, Mostar Sevdah, after a Bosnian city was devastated by war in the 1990s. Included: footage of the conflict; stories of the musicians. Chronicling the formation of a multi-ethnic band, Mostar Sevdah, after a Bosnian city was devastated by war in the 1990s. Included: footage of the conflict; stories of the musicians.