The Cobra Kai Movie
Watch as a bullied teen (Youtuber Baylen Levine) embarks on his journey to become heroic, taking inspiration from the Netflix show, Cobra Kai. With the help of the people that made Cobra Kai possible, he finally overcomes his lack of confidence and defeats his high school bully. Watch as a bullied teen (Youtuber Baylen Levine) embarks on his journey to become heroic, taking inspiration from the Netflix show, Cobra Kai. With the help of the people that made Cobra Kai possible, he finally overcomes his lack of confidence and defeats his high school bully. Watch as a bullied teen (Youtuber Baylen Levine) embarks on his journey to become heroic, taking inspiration from the Netflix show, Cobra Kai. With the help of the people that made Cobra Kai possible, he finally overcomes his lack of confidence and defeats his high school bully. Watch as a bullied teen (Youtuber Baylen Levine) embarks on his journey to become heroic, taking inspiration from the Netflix show, Cobra Kai. With the help of the people that made Cobra Kai possible, he finally overcomes his lack of confidence and defeats his high school bully.