The Last Bad Neighborhood
Rated: R
In the near apocalyptic future, The Silverstone Corporation is trying to take over Dockland, the valuable waterfront property under the firm rule of Bishop, but the takeover won't be easy...who will win this battle? In the near apocalyptic future, The Silverstone Corporation is trying to take over Dockland, the valuable waterfront property under the firm rule of Bishop, but the takeover won't be easy...who will win this battle? In the near apocalyptic future, The Silverstone Corporation is trying to take over Dockland, the valuable waterfront property under the firm rule of Bishop, but the takeover won't be easy...who will win this battle? In the near apocalyptic future, The Silverstone Corporation is trying to take over Dockland, the valuable waterfront property under the firm rule of Bishop, but the takeover won't be easy...who will win this battle?