The Night Brings Charlie
Upon the return of Charlie Puckett to the small town of Pakoe, a series of teenage beheadings begin. Intent on finding the culprit, Sherrif Carl Carson soon begins to suspect that Charlie's return may be more than meets the eye. Upon the return of Charlie Puckett to the small town of Pakoe, a series of teenage beheadings begin. Intent on finding the culprit, Sherrif Carl Carson soon begins to suspect that Charlie's return may be more than meets the eye. Upon the return of Charlie Puckett to the small town of Pakoe, a series of teenage beheadings begin. Intent on finding the culprit, Sherrif Carl Carson soon begins to suspect that Charlie's return may be more than meets the eye. Upon the return of Charlie Puckett to the small town of Pakoe, a series of teenage beheadings begin. Intent on finding the culprit, Sherrif Carl Carson soon begins to suspect that Charlie's return may be more than meets the eye.