The Octopuff in Kumquat
An educational animated cartoon produced by the American Lung Association, set to music, about a mythical land which is invaded by an eight-armed, fast-talking pitch man, whose attempt to induce the citizens into smoking cigarettes is foiled by a group of children. An educational animated cartoon produced by the American Lung Association, set to music, about a mythical land which is invaded by an eight-armed, fast-talking pitch man, whose attempt to induce the citizens into smoking cigarettes is foiled by a group of children. An educational animated cartoon produced by the American Lung Association, set to music, about a mythical land which is invaded by an eight-armed, fast-talking pitch man, whose attempt to induce the citizens into smoking cigarettes is foiled by a group of children. An educational animated cartoon produced by the American Lung Association, set to music, about a mythical land which is invaded by an eight-armed, fast-talking pitch man, whose attempt to induce the citizens into smoking cigarettes is foiled by a group of children.