The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya
The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya follows the research and uncovering of another lost media artifact related to Saint Seiya: the opening of Guardians of the Cosmos, an attempt at an American animated adaptation of the Saint Seiya anime. The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya follows the research and uncovering of another lost media artifact related to Saint Seiya: the opening of Guardians of the Cosmos, an attempt at an American animated adaptation of the Saint Seiya anime. The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya follows the research and uncovering of another lost media artifact related to Saint Seiya: the opening of Guardians of the Cosmos, an attempt at an American animated adaptation of the Saint Seiya anime. The Secret Stories of Saint Seiya follows the research and uncovering of another lost media artifact related to Saint Seiya: the opening of Guardians of the Cosmos, an attempt at an American animated adaptation of the Saint Seiya anime.