The Thief
Drama, Crime
Country: Australia
In a burglary, an unnamed thief's heist takes a turn, leading him on a guilt-ridden journey to return stolen items, culminating in a heartfelt encounter with the terminally ill daughter of the house. In a burglary, an unnamed thief's heist takes a turn, leading him on a guilt-ridden journey to return stolen items, culminating in a heartfelt encounter with the terminally ill daughter of the house. In a burglary, an unnamed thief's heist takes a turn, leading him on a guilt-ridden journey to return stolen items, culminating in a heartfelt encounter with the terminally ill daughter of the house. In a burglary, an unnamed thief's heist takes a turn, leading him on a guilt-ridden journey to return stolen items, culminating in a heartfelt encounter with the terminally ill daughter of the house.