The Tyger is a found footage short film inspired by the homonymous work written by William Blake in 1794. The film uses archival material and a less known version of the poetry set to music by the beatnick poet Allen Ginsberg. The Tyger is a found footage short film inspired by the homonymous work written by William Blake in 1794. The film uses archival material and a less known version of the poetry set to music by the beatnick poet Allen Ginsberg. The Tyger is a found footage short film inspired by the homonymous work written by William Blake in 1794. The film uses archival material and a less known version of the poetry set to music by the beatnick poet Allen Ginsberg. The Tyger is a found footage short film inspired by the homonymous work written by William Blake in 1794. The film uses archival material and a less known version of the poetry set to music by the beatnick poet Allen Ginsberg.