The Warrior Princess
The Warrior Princess follows Violet "The Warrior Princess" Lopez, a 13-year-old, five-time national amateur boxing champion, as she fights through the ups and downs of being a "female boxer" in a "male sport." The Warrior Princess follows Violet "The Warrior Princess" Lopez, a 13-year-old, five-time national amateur boxing champion, as she fights through the ups and downs of being a "female boxer" in a "male sport." The Warrior Princess follows Violet "The Warrior Princess" Lopez, a 13-year-old, five-time national amateur boxing champion, as she fights through the ups and downs of being a "female boxer" in a "male sport." The Warrior Princess follows Violet "The Warrior Princess" Lopez, a 13-year-old, five-time national amateur boxing champion, as she fights through the ups and downs of being a "female boxer" in a "male sport."