Super stars Olivia Victor, Madge Margo and Ryan Gavin from 1980's hit show "Parker & Park in the Park" faded away after their show came to end. 25 years later their producer wants them back but their dark past full of murders, unsuccessful projects and secrets may interfere. Super stars Olivia Victor, Madge Margo and Ryan Gavin from 1980's hit show "Parker & Park in the Park" faded away after their show came to end. 25 years later their producer wants them back but their dark past full of murders, unsuccessful projects and secrets may interfere. Super stars Olivia Victor, Madge Margo and Ryan Gavin from 1980's hit show "Parker & Park in the Park" faded away after their show came to end. 25 years later their producer wants them back but their dark past full of murders, unsuccessful projects and secrets may interfere. Super stars Olivia Victor, Madge Margo and Ryan Gavin from 1980's hit show "Parker & Park in the Park" faded away after their show came to end. 25 years later their producer wants them back but their dark past full of murders, unsuccessful projects and secrets may interfere.