Tundra follows Sarah, a young woman surviving alone after the recent loss of her mother, in Earth's frozen post-apocalyptic future. Sarah must withstand the elements, a scarce food supply, and her own sense of despair and loneliness if she is to keep living. Tundra follows Sarah, a young woman surviving alone after the recent loss of her mother, in Earth's frozen post-apocalyptic future. Sarah must withstand the elements, a scarce food supply, and her own sense of despair and loneliness if she is to keep living. Tundra follows Sarah, a young woman surviving alone after the recent loss of her mother, in Earth's frozen post-apocalyptic future. Sarah must withstand the elements, a scarce food supply, and her own sense of despair and loneliness if she is to keep living. Tundra follows Sarah, a young woman surviving alone after the recent loss of her mother, in Earth's frozen post-apocalyptic future. Sarah must withstand the elements, a scarce food supply, and her own sense of despair and loneliness if she is to keep living.