Two Ghosts
Animation, Drama
Country: United States of America
'Two Ghosts,' seeks to address the transformation of individuals from naive happiness into melancholic joy. It follows a creature on an Orpheus-type journey to find a disappeared companion. Its finale is a mournful dance in homage to the lost beloved. 'Two Ghosts,' seeks to address the transformation of individuals from naive happiness into melancholic joy. It follows a creature on an Orpheus-type journey to find a disappeared companion. Its finale is a mournful dance in homage to the lost beloved. 'Two Ghosts,' seeks to address the transformation of individuals from naive happiness into melancholic joy. It follows a creature on an Orpheus-type journey to find a disappeared companion. Its finale is a mournful dance in homage to the lost beloved. 'Two Ghosts,' seeks to address the transformation of individuals from naive happiness into melancholic joy. It follows a creature on an Orpheus-type journey to find a disappeared companion. Its finale is a mournful dance in homage to the lost beloved.