Untitled Boney M. documentary
An in-depth look at 1970s German disco/funk vocal group Boney M., best known for the track "Rasputin", which saw a renewal of popularity in the 2020s via TikTok. An in-depth look at 1970s German disco/funk vocal group Boney M., best known for the track "Rasputin", which saw a renewal of popularity in the 2020s via TikTok. An in-depth look at 1970s German disco/funk vocal group Boney M., best known for the track "Rasputin", which saw a renewal of popularity in the 2020s via TikTok. An in-depth look at 1970s German disco/funk vocal group Boney M., best known for the track "Rasputin", which saw a renewal of popularity in the 2020s via TikTok.