In a futuristic night city, where human Hunters search for the secret to biological immortality- we follow a Vampiric father as he breaks into the Hunter Corp. He fights to rescue his daughter from being a test subject, no matter the costs. In a futuristic night city, where human Hunters search for the secret to biological immortality- we follow a Vampiric father as he breaks into the Hunter Corp. He fights to rescue his daughter from being a test subject, no matter the costs. In a futuristic night city, where human Hunters search for the secret to biological immortality- we follow a Vampiric father as he breaks into the Hunter Corp. He fights to rescue his daughter from being a test subject, no matter the costs. In a futuristic night city, where human Hunters search for the secret to biological immortality- we follow a Vampiric father as he breaks into the Hunter Corp. He fights to rescue his daughter from being a test subject, no matter the costs.