Vast is an experimental short film inspired by the works of Maya Deren and Peter Tscherkassky, telling the story of a woman trapped in an inescapable cycle which forces her to confront repressed memories as her unconscious rises to the surface. Shot with a range of different amateur cameras and employing various techniques of filmmaking, Vast plays with time and space to bring this Freudian nightmare to life. Vast is an experimental short film inspired by the works of Maya Deren and Peter Tscherkassky, telling the story of a woman trapped in an inescapable cycle which forces her to confront repressed memories as her unconscious rises to the surface. Shot with a range of different amateur cameras and employing various techniques of filmmaking, Vast plays with time and space to bring this Freudian nightmare to life. Vast is an experimental short film inspired by the works of Maya Deren and Peter Tscherkassky, telling the story of a woman trapped in an inescapable cycle which forces her to confront repressed memories as her unconscious rises to the surface. Shot with a range of different amateur cameras and employing various techniques of filmmaking, Vast plays with time and space to bring this Freudian nightmare to life. Vast is an experimental short film inspired by the works of Maya Deren and Peter Tscherkassky, telling the story of a woman trapped in an inescapable cycle which forces her to confront repressed memories as her unconscious rises to the surface. Shot with a range of different amateur cameras and employing various techniques of filmmaking, Vast plays with time and space to bring this Freudian nightmare to life.