The film centers on Tania, a Pakistani-born student, who learns that her brother has plans to become a suicide bomber. With just days before a terrorist mission takes place, she begins exploring virtual worlds using an avatar, in order to find him. The film centers on Tania, a Pakistani-born student, who learns that her brother has plans to become a suicide bomber. With just days before a terrorist mission takes place, she begins exploring virtual worlds using an avatar, in order to find him. The film centers on Tania, a Pakistani-born student, who learns that her brother has plans to become a suicide bomber. With just days before a terrorist mission takes place, she begins exploring virtual worlds using an avatar, in order to find him. The film centers on Tania, a Pakistani-born student, who learns that her brother has plans to become a suicide bomber. With just days before a terrorist mission takes place, she begins exploring virtual worlds using an avatar, in order to find him.