Through a battle with grief and loss, Jake is on a journey to keep in contact with his friend Matty through voicemail's after he 'moved away'. Through this newfound loneliness Jake goes down a mental health decline, and his only way out is to accept the truth Through a battle with grief and loss, Jake is on a journey to keep in contact with his friend Matty through voicemail's after he 'moved away'. Through this newfound loneliness Jake goes down a mental health decline, and his only way out is to accept the truth Through a battle with grief and loss, Jake is on a journey to keep in contact with his friend Matty through voicemail's after he 'moved away'. Through this newfound loneliness Jake goes down a mental health decline, and his only way out is to accept the truth Through a battle with grief and loss, Jake is on a journey to keep in contact with his friend Matty through voicemail's after he 'moved away'. Through this newfound loneliness Jake goes down a mental health decline, and his only way out is to accept the truth