An animated short film adaptation of "A White Heron" written by Sarah Orne Jewett in 1886. Follows a young girl named Sylvia and the peaceful white heron she encounters who lives high above the forest near her grandmother's home. An animated short film adaptation of "A White Heron" written by Sarah Orne Jewett in 1886. Follows a young girl named Sylvia and the peaceful white heron she encounters who lives high above the forest near her grandmother's home. An animated short film adaptation of "A White Heron" written by Sarah Orne Jewett in 1886. Follows a young girl named Sylvia and the peaceful white heron she encounters who lives high above the forest near her grandmother's home. An animated short film adaptation of "A White Heron" written by Sarah Orne Jewett in 1886. Follows a young girl named Sylvia and the peaceful white heron she encounters who lives high above the forest near her grandmother's home.