is a Japanese–Saudi Arabian animated film co-produced by Toei Animation and Manga Productions directed by Shizuno Kobun. The film revolves around a potter named Aws who joins a battle to defend his home city. is a Japanese–Saudi Arabian animated film co-produced by Toei Animation and Manga Productions directed by Shizuno Kobun. The film revolves around a potter named Aws who joins a battle to defend his home city. is a Japanese–Saudi Arabian animated film co-produced by Toei Animation and Manga Productions directed by Shizuno Kobun. The film revolves around a potter named Aws who joins a battle to defend his home city. is a Japanese–Saudi Arabian animated film co-produced by Toei Animation and Manga Productions directed by Shizuno Kobun. The film revolves around a potter named Aws who joins a battle to defend his home city.